Greta Buschhaus is an award-winning German journalist at Florida Factual and is based in Berlin. Her current role as an investigative journalist and host for the broadcasting program 'ZDF Die Spur' is a direct result of the competencies she cultivated during her previous position at Florida Factual for 'ZDF frontal'.

Over the past two years, Greta worked as a writer on a six-part documentary series dedicated to addressing the climate crisis, produced by Amazon Prime. For this she has received one of the most important awards in German television ("Deutscher Fernsehpreis" in der Kategorie "Beste Doku-Serie"). Working on the documentary not only allowed her to deeply investigate environmental matters but also facilitated her extensive connections within the climate movement, showcasing her dedication to raising awareness about this pressing global concern.

Before her more recent endeavors, Greta pursued a first-class degree in International Journalism at City University in London. Greta's foundational journalistic skills were initially cultivated during her two-year tenure as an editor for the ZDF heute journal at the outset of her career. She completed her Bachelor's degree in International Business in Maastricht, which is why she is particularly interested in economic topics in her journalistic work.


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ZDF - Die Spur
Chat GPT & Co.: Der gefährliche Goldrausch in Silicon Valley

2023 // Reporter

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Amazon Prime
The World's Most Dangerous Show,
Episodes 1 & 2

2021-2022 // WRITER

Greek refugee camp Moria

2021 // Production & Host

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ZDF Frontal
Wieviel weiß SPOTIFY über dich?

2021 // WRITER

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ZDF Frontal
Online-Casinos: Wie Influencer an der Sucht Anderer verdienen

2020 // PRODUCER


  • DEUTSCHER FERNSEHPREIS 2023 in der Kategorie “Beste Doku-Serie” für “The World’s Most Dangerous Show”
  • Nominierung Grimme Preis 2024 in der Kategorie “Information und Kultur” für “The World’s Most Dangerous Show”